Our courses
STEPUP runs mentorship and training courses to build the interest of young people in environmental monitoring and research.
Our courses:
Mentorship program
STEPUP mentorship sessions are structured to foster professionalism in proposal writing, communication (verbal and written), research and data synthesis and provide internships with our partners. In the past, they have been part of activities such as:
- project experiments testing agroforestry tree hybrids
- identifying ecosystems to be traversed by the Standard Gauge Railway
- data collection and analysis
- investigating adherence to and implementation of the Wetland Policy In Tirinyi Swamp
- scoping and monitoring organizations and community groups using improved cookstoves with reduced greenhouse gas emissions
- marketing investment in timber growing to private companies
- economic analysis of restoration opportunities in Northern Moist landscapes.
Young people are equipped with insight on the global and national development agenda so that they can participate meaningfully and hold leaders accountable to their commitments
Environment monitoring
This course is structured to equip young people who are eager to contribute to the key global discussions on ecosystem management and climate change.
This module covers where we are in the universe and global concerns including sustainable development goals on climate change and ecosystem management. It zooms in on Uganda’s commitments to these global concerns, policies, targets and measurements needed to track progress and what young people can do about this. Delivery is through lectures, research, discussions and debates.
Learners are placed in organizations that are key players in climate action and ecosystem management to get hands-on experience
Learners are equipped with skills of oral presentation and writing of technical reports backed by evidence to support decisions of end users. Delivery is through review and critiquing previous reports, presentation and mutual critiquing from fellow learners.
Professional Writing, Communication and Presentation Skills
This course is structured to equip young people with professional writing skills and communication skills.
This includes skills in writing technical reports, briefs and official communications including letters, job and project applications. These are designed according to learners’ focus of interest. The class is practical based where instructions are given with a lot of exercises for learners.
This includes telephone, face-to-face, text and social media. This is highly practical based dealing with language, dress, voice, emotional intelligence, brand protection and promotion.
This includes speeches, technical workshop presentations, interviews and other face-to-face communications. The session includes preparation of technical material and the key message to deliver, clarity and precision in delivery including use of visual aids and appropriate computer programs. The course involves video recordings and mutual support by fellow learners.
The Learner prepares a technical report and presents to a wider audience in relevant on-going forums at workplace or in town.
Project management
This course is structed to equip young people with project management skills.
This module includes needs assessment, project definition, organizational self-evaluation and donor scoping. Delivery involves review of old projects, current examples of experiences in workplaces and interactive conceptualisation of a hypothetical project .
This includes forecasting and mobilizing resources needed to implement the project, where to implement it, with whom and under which policy or development objectives. Learners are given practical assignments and exercises of planning for projects relevant to their current work experience.
Project inception and launch includes review and negotiation, role sharing, reporting timelines, and engagements with implementing partners and stakeholders. Delivery is through interactive discussions and practical examples.
This includes work plans, budgets, resource management, activities and reporting. Delivery is through interactive discussions and group work using practical project examples.
Designing baselines, indicators, milestones, impacts, means of verification, what to measure, when to measure, attribution of observed change to project actions, analysis and learning points. Delivery is through review of past projects by NGOs and government to determine what should have been measured and how. This is through interactive discussions and internet based assignments.
This includes financial and technical reporting, staff evaluation, project mid term reviews, coherence with policy and development plans. Delivery is through review of past projects by NGOs and government to determine what should have been measured and how. This is through interactive discussions and internet based assignments.
This includes how to complete project activities while ensuring continuity of the broader development programs and partnerships; consolidation of reports, reflection on lessons learnt and way forward; communication of project achievement to stakeholders; publishing and dissemination of findings, disposal of assets, archiving of information and conceptualisation of next steps. Delivery is through review of past projects by NGOs and government to determine what should have been measured and how. This will be through interactive discussions and internet based assignments.
What our fellows have to say
Our key partners in Youth mentorship